Calm Cool and Collected
This is my first blog for Families Online Magazine ( ) posted July 15, 2010
Summer is finally here. We have had a few weeks of sunshine and warmth and are now feeling rather hot and bothered. The weather – we can not stop complaining about it.
Here are a few tips on how to stay cool, calm and collected when the heat just becomes too hot to handle.
Drink coriander tea. In Ayurvedic Medicine we usually treat with opposite qualities to what is bothering us. To alleviate heat we suggest a cooling quality. Coriander has a cooling nature which calms burning sensations and it is thirst quenching. Coriander is also recommended in fever.
Infuse fresh leaves or seeds with boiling water and steep for a few minutes. Drink it warm or at room temperature. You can add sugar (preferably candy sugar which you can purchase in any Indian shop) for added sweetness and anti-heating properties.
Taking a deep breath is the antidote of stress and anger. Sitali pranayama (cooling breathing exercise) is a fantastic tool to cool body and mind. Here is the tricky part:
You need to roll the sides of your tongue up making the shape of a U. Extend the tongue out. Breathe in through the tube shaped tongue. Close your mouth and exhale gently through the nose. Continue for a few slow breaths. Enjoy the cool sensation of the inhale on your tongue and the roof of your mouth.
The ancient teachings of Yoga and Ayurveda are great tools for transformation. They teach us how to live in the present and with awareness. Taking time to listen to our body and to feel our feelings can bring great healing. Our body is very intelligent so allow your mind to be guided by your body to avoid illness and let your heart bring peace to your mind.
Enjoy the summer – come rain or shine.