Living with IBS

Bloated, Gassy and Constipated?

Having an irritable bowel can manifest in many different ways. For me it was bloating, cramps and constipation. For you it might be a rollercoaster between diarrhea and being completely clogged up. It may be wind, sensitivity… The term IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is simply an umbrella of symptoms of an irritable, reactive or sensitive bowel. It is not a disease as such and we are not entirely sure why we get it. Stress and diet seem to be the most common triggers and very often the medicine we might be prescribed are fibre or pain killers. Not necessarily treating the root of the problem but simply the symptom.

Creating a happy and healthy digestive system

I had these symptoms even in childhood and was basically told to live with it. At the time (70s and 80s) we didn’t consider diets or supplements. I simply had a sensitive digestive system and had to get on with it.

Now, I still have a sensitive digestion. I still get bloated. But I know when and why it is triggered. And I know how to ease the discomfort. I am nowhere in the place of pain and discomfort I used be with sick days of school as a child and not being able to go to work as an adult.

When I started to study and implement Yoga and Ayurveda into to my life I saw a difference. And the symptoms, how they were created and how I could ease them started to make sense.

Kindle the digestive fire – the key to a happy belly.

If our digestive fire is too weak, too quick, too slow or too erratic we can not process, absorb and eliminate the food properly. In Ayurveda the first step for better health is a good digestive fire.

Here are some of the remedies you can try:

  • Aloe Vera Juice. This juice is incredibly soothing, rejuvenating and replenishing. It calms down any burning sensations, helps to clear toxins and supports digestion. Try an organic juice such as Pukka Herb’s.

  • Triphala. This Ayurvedic product stands the test of time. It is one of the most popular herbal preparations in Ayurveda. Good for all Doshas (constitutions), Tridoshic, it eliminates excess Vata, Pitta and Kapha. As well as supporting the downward movement of Apana Vayu, the downward movement of Prana or energy. This means it facilitates elimination and it also helps to digest and clear our Ama, undigested material or toxins. Take it with warm water or Aloe Vera juice. Pukka Herbs and Banyan Botanical both offer high quality herbal supplements.

  • Warm water. Make sure you are hydrated. Our bowels can not work properly unless we are hydrated. If your stools are small and/or hard you may need some more hydration. Warm water is better than cold or iced. According to Ayurveda cold water will simply extinguish the digestive fire. Therefore it is also important to simply sip your beverages rather than gulp it down. Especially before and during meal times. Keep the fire kindled so it can digest your meals.

  • Easy digestible foods. The best food to have when you have a bout of IBS is something super simple, warm and easy to digest. Kitcheri, a mix of mung dhal and rice, is a complete meal that our digestive system loves. Use some gentle digestive spices such as turmeric, fresh ginger or cumin as well as bit of salt and pepper. Eating Kitcheri is a rest and reset for your digestion. Get the recipe here along with instructions for a one day detox.

  • Destress and sleep well. Easier said than done. But taking time to move and release any pinned up tension is important. I love yoga. And for me yoga has that special connection with body, breath, mind, emotion and energy. I can adjust the practice to what my body and energy needs. Yoga Nidra is another extremely healing practice to relax completely. It is like a guided meditation but very deep and potentially transformative. I have a few recordings here you are welcome to try out.

  • The good bacteria. We are alive with bacteria! And we need our perfect balance of these bacteria in our gut to be happy and healthy. There is a renewed interest in gut bacteria and how it affect not just our digestion but also our emotions so it is worth thinking about. Fermented drinks such as kombucha has good bacteria as has yogurt. You can get some fantastic probiotics and it is worth the investment. I like Symprove which is liquid or try some good quality capsules.

If you want to read up on gut bacteria have look at Giulia Enders book on the subject.

Practise Self Care and Self Love

Most importantly be kind to your self and your body. Practise self care and self love. Breathe and take time to simply be. You are the only one who can truly feel what is going on in your body and energy so take time to listen. That is really what Ayurveda is about: Living in balance and learning to listen to our inner and external environments.

For those who want to explore an in-depth immersion in Ayurveda and Yoga through Detox and Rejuvenation please have look at my 4 week online process here. It is designed from my own experience of digestive issues and through the procedure I guide my clients. It really is about learning to trust your gut (pun intended) and live in balance.


Ashwagandha – a balancing herb


How does Ayurveda work?