Spring cleanse

It’s springtime and it is the perfect time for new beginnings, be inspired and get moving.

From an ayurvedic perspective, this is the time to move any excess kapha (or heaviness, stagnation) leftover from winter.

Kapha dosa accumulates when the qualities of sluggishness, cold, heavy, oily, slowness, lethargy are in excess. And as these are some of the qualities we experience in winter it is often here they are accumulated.

In the Ashtanga Hrdayam it says:

“Snigdhah shita gururmandah shlakshno mritsnah sthirah kaphah”

Kapha is unctuous, cool, heavy, slow, smooth, soft, and static.

Spring brings warmth and light. And kapha starts to melt. We may experience spring colds or hay fever with runny noses and eyes.

Energetically we are also lighter and brighter. The days are lighter and brighter - for longer.

It’s the perfect time to clear out and bring in new intentions.

I feel it.

The sense of letting go and clearing out. And I definitely have more days with more energy and more motivation. 

I am outside exercising. I started skipping again (3 times and counting!) and I enjoy yoga outside again (even if today was rather windy on the beach!).

Even my spiritual practice feels invigorated. Studying texts, inner awareness, energy and meditations.

Yoga workshop in London

My intention for the in-person yoga class on Saturday the 22nd of April in London is to embrace all of this. Through a “regular” yoga session we will move stagnation and heaviness in body and mind. Yet, stay grounded. We have time to play and explore. To relax and release.

I love these sessions in Brixton and being in person. And the mix of our online classes and in real life. The early bird expires on the 14th of April so book your space asap.

The dates and booking details for May and a very special June workshop are also up here.


Grieving process


A current of love-energy