Caring for our Natural World

I have been enjoying being outdoors, on the common and taking trips to one of my favourite places in London: Kew Gardens. Being in nature is one of the most healing things we can do – especially those of us living in the big smoke.
It made me think about our responsibility for our planet. As yogis we learn to connect to our inner wisdom, to find balance and self care, practising Ahimsa, non-violence… And we have the same duty to care for the Planet.

How does your food choices impact on the environment? Your skin care? We might feel lost in the politics of the world but this is where we can vote: with where our money goes when it comes to our daily investment in food and even skin care and cosmetics.

Neal’s Yard Remedies
I am back with the blue bottles. In my previous life I worked for Neal’s Yard Remedies (NYR). Managing some of their shops and therapy rooms. Then I transitioned to yoga and ayurveda full time.

But now I want to share why I support and love this company:

  • The world’s largest collection of Soil Association certified, organic health and beauty products

  • Many wild grown ingredients

  • Vegetarian

  • Fair trade

  • Not tested on Animals

  • No GM 

It’s a company with really high ethics. Why am I telling you all of this? Because this is what I am passionate about: How our choice of lifestyle + shopping + products affect the whole. This is also why I am an Independent Consultant with NYR. If you want to explore their products have a look here

Want to be an Independent consultant yourself? Benefits includes: discount for your personal use, commission, potential bonus/gifts etc. You can build your own team and grow it as a business.

You can join me here.


Chakras – an introduction


Tips for a Happy Digestive System in Pregnancy