Complete the circle

We reached the peak of the Sun salute with the Downward Facing Dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana. In Down-Dog your body is almost like the shape of the mountain. Feet and hands firmly grounded and letting the hip, pelvis and our centre lifting upwards creating space!

Now we are flowing again. This time reversing the sequence. So take a deep complete inhale and exhale completely in your down dog.

And we start to flow:

Open this LINK to see the whole photo sequence and listen/download to a guided sunsalute HERE.

Inhale: Step one foot between your hands. Once again you are in your lunge. Back knee can rest on the ground as you chest broadens and shoulders draw away from your ears.

Exhale: Bring your other foot forward and your are now in a standing forward bend.

Inhale: Extend your heart forward staying grounded with strong legs.

Exhale: Fold into your forward bend once again. Hinging from your hips and bending the knees if necessary.

Inhale: Press feet firmly to the earth as you reach your heart forwards and upwards coming all the way to standing with a straight back. Arms above your head.

Exhale: Bring your palms together in front of your heart.

Inhale and exhale…. Well done. You have completed a whole sequence of Surya Namaskaram – the Sun Salute. Are you ready for one more round?

The Sun Salute is a brilliant way to begin the day. Practised at sunrise to greet the Sun. The Sun, Surya, was (and still is) worshipped as a life giving force and spiritual consciousness. And so the Sun Salute will work, strengthen and lengthen your muscles, bring flexibility to muscles and joints, it creates great mobility to the spine, breathing is enhanced (pranayama) AND it can also be practised as a spiritual practise with intention and prayer.

Enjoy the the flow and practise with your body – not against it. Practise with your breath and from your heart. Not your mind or your ego. Modify and adjust the poses to suit your body. And do take the time to go to a class or see a teacher.

Listen to the free PODCAST here to be guided through a Sun Salute and come to a class to be assisted through the sequence and find more playfulness and creative flow.

If you have any injuries, medical conditions or any health concerns or if you are pregnant or a new mum please speak to a yoga teacher or health professional before starting a new exercise programme. for further details on yoga and ayurveda.


What your style?


And the Dog…