And the Dog…

Downward Facing Dog is maybe one of the most recognisable yoga postures in Vinyasa Flow Yoga. And it is practised quite a bit in a class as part of these connection postures, or Vinyasas.

It is a pose to connect with your alignment, your breath and eventually find some sort of rest between movement.

You may now recognise that we use the arms a great deal in yoga. This pose in no exception. It will strengthen your arms and shoulders, create space in your ribcage, lengthen the spine and power up your legs.

From your Cobra or Upward Facing Dog exhale, engage your core and lift your hips high bringing your knees off the ground.

Spread your fingers, press your finger pads, knuckles and palm of the hand to the mat. Keep the spine long and aligned lifting your hips away from your ribs – so much space to breathe! Feet are hip distance apart.

To keep the spine neutral you can bend your knees (keeping them off the mat) and keep your front thighs strong. If you collapse in your lower back then engage your core keeping your spine supported by your abdominal muscles.

Your heels are reaching towards the earth, grounding you, even if they don’t touch.

In the beginning you may feel your arms and shoulders being weak or tight but this pose will create more strength and eventually it feels more spacious and light. You may then start to feel your legs shaking or feeling tight, especially the hamstrings and calf muscles, but again with practise you will find your alignment, power, strength and breath in your Down Dog.

Think of a dog giving its spine a nice stretch after a nap! Practise compassion (to yourself and your body), focus and most of all patience. Enjoy getting to know your body and in the process maybe even observe your reactions and internal talk, no judgement – just awareness.

Play, go with Flow and have fun!

If you have any injuries, medical conditions or any health concerns or if you are pregnant or a new mum please speak to a yoga teacher or health professional before starting a new exercise programme. for further details on yoga and ayurveda.


Complete the circle


Spacious Heart