Spacious Heart

Now we are back to the backbends. We investigated a couple of poses back in February and March and now it is time to put them into our Sun Salute. You can join us for 2 1/2 hours of playing around with backbends – and Surya Namaskar, on our Sunday Session the 26/6/11. A workshop of yoga, breath and movement focusing on a healthy spine and an open heart. See my latest newsletter for more information here.

From a straight strong spine and engaged core you will now reach your heart open and broad.

Proud like a cobra – Bhujanasana:

Lying flat on the ground you will engage your legs. And just like in plank you reach through your feet, toes on the mat. Press the pubic bone to the mat and lengthen your tailbone to your heels. Now reach your sternum, chest bone, forward and lift it on an inhale. Belly remains on the ground and elbows draw back.

Do engage your back muscles here to avoid collapsing into your shoulders. And see if you can relax your buttocks. Think of the cobra dancing and lifting its head and chest.

Happy dog – Urdva Mukha Svanasana:

After practising the cobra you might want to play with the ‘Upward Facing Dog’. Here you straighten your arms (microbend your elbows to avoid hyperextension), you lift the pelvis from the earth and only the top of your feet and palms of your hands touch the ground. Your arms are strong and grounding you. Your inner thighs lift and top of the feet press firmly to the ground. Let your heart float forward and upward. Breathe…

Play around with the poses and embody the grace of the cobra and the playful dog. Imagine their supple spine and natural moves, create an even curve in your spine and keep lengthening. Reaching the heart forward and feet back – SPACE!

If you have any injuries, medical conditions or any health concerns or if you are pregnant or a new mum please speak to a yoga teacher or health professional before starting a new exercise programme. for further details on yoga and ayurveda.

Anja is yoga teacher specialising in Vinyasa Flow (all levels), Pregnancy Yoga and Postnatal Yoga for mums and babies.

She has a BSc and PGDip in Ayurveda from Middlesex university. This qualifies her to practice as an Ayurvedic practitioner, advising on herbs, lifestyle, diet as well as giving body treatments including massage.

First published on



And the Dog…


Feeling the Sun – the fire in your belly