Feeling the Sun – the fire in your belly

With the sun out and clear blue skies it is a wonderful time to celebrate and embrace Surya – the Sun. So we continue the sequence of Sun Salutations – Surya Namaskaram.

Plank pose

I love this pose. You can discover so much here: Investigate your alignment, where you put your weight, where you tend to collapse, how do you breathe? And you can truly feel your internal Sun – right in the pit of your stomach!

Keeping your pelvis level in the lunge and simply step your other leg back. Now you are in a straight line. Think of Tadasana – just with your arms out in front.

Now find your inner Sun, Surya. This is the fire, strength, power and your centre – right in your abdomen. You will need to engage your abdominal muscles to find your straight alignment and keep you lower back supported.

Think of a bright warm sun in the middle of your belly and let your it shine in all directions. Reach through your heels with strong legs. Lengthen through the crown of your head – spacious neck. And even find a smile on your face.

If you find your lower back collapses and your hips sink then you need to engage your abdominals and if that is not available right now just bring your knees to the floor, but keep your “plank” through your hips to the crown of your head.

When you are in the pose your can feel the benefits: Strong core, improving posture, strengthen arms and legs…

Stay in plank for a few breathes – just to get to know it and connect with your own Surya. The Sun which is life, is active, empowering.

From Plank you will need to release SLOWLY towards the floor. On an exhale you can lower yourself down. Either:

  1. Bring the knees to the floor and roll down by bringing the elbows back: belly, chest, head.

  2. Bring knees down and see if you can, with a straight back, bring your pelvis and chest down simultaneously.

  3. Lower down into Chaturanga Dandasana. This is almost like plank – though slightly more intense!

Chaturanga Dandasana

From plank simply bend your elbows back towards the back of the room and reach your chest forward. When your elbows and shoulders are aligned stay – and breathe. Keep your core engaged, shoulder blades away from your ears and tailbone towards your heels. Try a few times, maybe start with your knees on the floor. This is a very powerful pose and you need to be aware of your alignment.

Most importantly be aware of your breath. Breathing is your guide - your Guru!

If you have any injuries, medical conditions or any health concerns or if you are pregnant or a new mum please speak to a yoga teacher or health professional before starting a new exercise programme. Visit www.yogaembodied.com for further details on yoga and ayurveda.

Anja is yoga teacher specialising in Vinyasa Flow (all levels), Pregnancy Yoga and Postnatal Yoga for mums and babies.

She has a BSc and PGDip in Ayurveda from Middlesex university. This qualifies her to practice as an Ayurvedic practitioner, advising on herbs, lifestyle, diet as well as giving body treatments including massage.


Spacious Heart


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