Juiced up for Fertility

One of my students recently asked me about how she could enhance her chances of conceiving. Quite a few students and clients ask that question. Because becoming pregnant does not always happen as quick and as easy as we may dream of.

There are many reasons for this.

Today I want to focus on one specific reason: A thin endometrium or lining of the womb. And simply from an Ayurvedic and Yogic perspective. This is for information only and you are welcome to come for a personalised consultation with me (learn more here).

The Endometrium

After our menses the lining of the womb starts to rebuild. The endometrium gets thicker so it is able to receive a fertile egg when we ovulate. If we have no fertile eggs we will once again go through the menstrual cycle. However if we do have a fertile egg but our endometrium doesn’t thicken well or if we don’t have a natural ovulation (potentially due to fertility drugs) the embryo, fertile egg, might not have a successful implantation.

The menstrual + lunar cycle

According to Ayurveda the time around ovulation is connected to the full moon. The moon is full, fertile, glowing and bright – just like our eggs. When the moon is dark we release, let go and flow (our menses). The new moon builds up, just like the endometrium, to become the full moon (and ovulation). So traditionally our menstrual cycle and lunar cycle would be aligned. This is not necessarily so any longer. We may still feel the pull of the moon. But very few of us live according to the lunar cycle. However, we can learn from the qualities of the moon: From the new moon to the waxing moon building up to the full moon – just like the endometrium builds up too. If you want to align with the lunar cycle I highly recommend this book by Maya Tiwari.

The Doshas and the Endometrium

There can be many reasons, Ayurvedically, why the endometrium has thinned. In Ayurveda we can consider excess dosha.

See if any of the below statements describe aspects of you:

Too much Pitta: heat, anger, burn-out, stress, busyness, no time, always rushing. Typical Type A personality.

Pitta is related to our endocrine system and hormones. We can imagine that too much Pitta might “burn out” and dry the moistness of the uterine lining.

Increased Vata: nervousness, anxiety, travelling, low body weight, dryness, fatigue, light periods.

Vata’s qualities causes dryness and thinness. There might simply not be enough juice and sustainable energy to build up a healthy uterine lining.

Recreating Balance

The first step is to recreate balance again. Coming back to your natural unique Prakrti or constitution. I created the Detox&Rejuvenate immersion to educate on the Ayurvedic principles of finding balance. It is basically what I would suggest to my Ayurvedic clients. You can go through that online program which has the added bonus of detox before pregnancy as well as the rejuvenation which is essential to help conceive.

If you have too much Pitta you decrease whatever causes you anger, overheating and busyness. Same for Vata: Limit your exposure to whatever causes you anxiety, insomnia and nervousness.

Rejuvenate for Juiciness

Once you remove the cause you can create more juiciness and build up the endometrium. A healthy balanced Kapha has the qualities of moistness, coolness, there is steadiness and softness. As well as the ability to “build up”. We also want to “build up” the endometrium after menses to a healthy ovulation ready to conceive. Just like the moon waxes to become the full moon.

“It is the Ojas which keeps all the living beings nourished and refreshed. There can be no life without Ojas”.

Charaka Sutrasthana

The refined qualities of Kapha are similar to Ojas. Ojas is our vitality, juiciness, immunity. In traditional ayurvedic texts we consider Ojas to be heavy, stable, cool, soft, smooth, sweet, unctuous, sticky, and cohesive.

When we Rejuvenate in Ayurveda we build up Ojas. This is essential after any Detox and shouldn’t be done if you have Ama (toxins, undigested material) or excess Kapha. This is why the traditional Ayurvedic text would recommend a Detox (Panchakarma) for both parents as well as Rejuvenation (Rasayana) before trying to conceive. The Detox&Rejuvenate immersion is the “householder’s” variation of this. Something that is easily integrated into daily life. And it’s what we discuss in personalised consultations too.

“Ojas as the colour of ghee, in taste it is like that of honey, in smell it is like that of fired paddy.”

Charaka Sutrasthana

How to increase your Ojas

  • Add Ghee to your diet. Simply add a small spoonful before enjoying your dinner/lunch and let it melt. See more on Ghee and how to make it here.

  • Slow down with hip opening yoga practices or some relaxing yoga. Try this lunar sequence video to slow right down. Or enjoy poses such as these avoiding the twists if you think you might have conceived.

  • Enjoy foods that resemble Ojas such as almonds, honey, white basmati rice, milk, dates… In this blog you can find more ideas including my Sweet Love Pudding.

  • Aloe Vera Juice is a commonly recommended remedy for the female reproductive system. It is cooling and moisturising – similar to Ojas.

  • Shatavari is another potential herb. It has been translated as the “women who has a hundred husbands.” This herb is “building” and has an affinity with women’s reproductive system. It’s a great adaptogen. It does contain phytoestrogens so check with your medical practitioner if you are taking any drugs. (UK link + US link to Shatavari info)

  • Make Love with Love. Nothing is more Oxytocin and Ojas increasing than tenderness, cuddles, loving caresses and sweet kisses.

There are many factors involved when trying to conceive. And there are many reasons why it may take longer that what we may have thought. Practising patience is a virtue (and challenging for both Pitta and Vata constitutions). You may also find these ideas can support a male partner with Vata or Pitta tendencies. Please seek support from a health practitioner to investigate any reasons for infertility and potential treatments. And consult with an Ayurvedic Practitioner for your individual recommendations.

I am not a medical doctor or obstetrician. I am however a qualified ayurvedic practitioner (BSc. PGDip) and yoga instructor specialising in women’s health. We explore from an Ayurvedic and Yogic perspective. As always, this is not medical advice and always speak to your consultant before starting a new exercise regime, new diet or taking any herbal/nutritional supplements. If you would like to have a consultation with me see the details here.

Please note: some of my favourite products are also affiliates. This means if you use my links (of those that are affiliate) I may be offered a small commission with no extra cost to you (thank you if you choose to use them). However I am only affiliated with companies I already love and use.


Pelvic Floor Awareness


How to make Ghee