How to make Ghee

“It is the Ojas which keeps all the living beings refreshed nourished and refreshed.
There can be no life without Ojas… Ojas as the colour of ghee, in taste it is like that of honey, in smell it is like that of fired paddy.”

Charaka Sutrasthana

Ghee is clarified butter often used in cooking – especially Indian cooking.

But according to Ayurveda ghee is a superfood.

Here is why

  • It’s a digestive – kindles the Agni (digestive fire)

  • It nourishes ojas, tejas and prana

  • It nourishes the Dhatus, body tissues

  • Brings herbs/medicines to the dhatus

  • Tridoshic (in small doses for Kapha only)

  • Pacifies Vata and Pitta

  • It’s a Medhya, or supports the brain and nervous system

  • You can use it internally and externally

  • Use it to help a cleanse/detox

  • Apply it on irritated (pitta) skin

  • Used for eye baths externally and internally for eye health too

There are many interesting benefits when you read the ayurvedic classics but this and this resource are also interesting. If you want both traditional and modern take on ghee read this (longer) article.

You can easily buy it in Indian supermarkets, through Ayurvedic companies such as Banyan Botanicals (in the US) or Fushi in Europe. (If you use this link and as my client, you can get a discount with code ABL12)


Or simply make your own:

  • 2 packets of organic unsalted butter

    1. Place in a pan (cut it into chunks). Do not cover

    2. Heat it up slowly

    3. Once it comes to a boil lower the heat so it continues to bubble gently

    4. Foam will appear which you can carefully take off with a spoon

    5. Once it is clear (approx 20-35 minutes), has a golden yellow and a sweet aroma it is done. Keep an eye on it at all times. There might be some sediment at the bottom

    6. Leave to cool down

    7. Strain it into clean airtight glass containers

    8. Make sure it is completely cooled down before closing the containers

    9. Mantra reciting, full moon intentions etc. are completely optional (ghee can be made and enjoyed at anytime)

Enjoy the sweetness of your own ghee. Let it nourish your tissues, the sweetness of your intentions, your health and wellbeing.

Cook with it. Or take a teaspoon as an anupan, carrier, with your herbs (discuss with your ayurvedic practitioner or herbalist). Take a teaspoon on your food and let it melt and infuse your meal with it’s nourishment. Apply it to your skin…


Here is more information on how it is different from butter.

“Tongue of the gods,” “navel of immortality.”
We will proclaim the name of ghee;
We will sustain it in this sacrifice by bowing low.
These waves of ghee flow like gazelles before the hunter…
Streams of ghee caress the burning wood.
Agni, the fire, loves them and is satisfied. – Rig Veda




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