Relaxing Yoga – Lunar or Yin style

The lunar energy is the cooling, nourishing, building and comforting qualities of the moon. The glow in the dark night. A sense of sweetness. Like honey…

We enjoy a more lunar practise to the end of a yoga class to centre and ground ourselves. To balance out any solar, fiery and dynamic yoga sequencing. To catch our breath.

And most importantly to nurture and nourish ourselves.

Most of us have a very solar, busy and stressed out lifestyle. We are on transport, work long hours, busy with family and the stress of emails and online presence. Not to mention the anxiety created by the media and the huge changes we experience in the World today.

We need something to create balance.

Lunar practise, meditation and relaxation can help us rejuvenate and replenish. Or perhaps being in nature. Breathing deeply, completely and slowly.

Here is something to help you.

This yoga practise is all on the ground. So get a few blankets to lie on or a yoga mat. Plenty of cushions or yoga bolsters if you have them. And fill yourself up with radical relaxation.

I hope you enjoy this practise.

Please share how you feel in the comment box below and share this page with friends you think might benefit too…

Lunar blessings



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