Oils, Massage, Fragrance and Mood

I am a big fan of oils. I use oils in my cooking, drizzle it on my food, in my smoothies, in baking,  I spread coconut oil on toast as butter and I apply it to my skin. The essential oils of the plant kingdom I mix in with the oils for skin care, use them in vaporisers and spray them on the skin or as a room spray – I am addicted!


In Ayurveda (the traditional Indian Medicine system) oils are of great importance      and is used both internally and externally.

Oils can help to calm down Vata (the dosha which can manifest as anxiety, insomnia, dryness, achy joints, constipation). And oils are great carriers for the properties of herbs and essential oils.

In many other traditions oils and the essential oils of plants and flowers are and have been used medicinally. We even use the essential oils in cosmetics and in perfume for their various properties.

The actual oils and the essential oils (extracted from plants) are used for their physical properties and also for the effect they have on our emotions.


Scent is powerful.

As I mentioned I have used oils and essential oils for a long time personally but also in my capacity of an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Aroma Therapist. I even use to work in the cosmetic industry including with Neal’s Yard Remedies so I am rather specific when it comes to anything to do with oils, skin care and fragrance. But some of the oils I do recommend are the creation of fellow yoga teacher Sinead Duffy’s Yogandha (Gandha meaning sense of smell).


I first used them during a Yoga Detox Workshop I was teaching at the Copenhagen Yoga Festival a couple of years ago. We used the Detox Oil for abdominal massage and the oil got sold out at their stand! Since then I have used them personally and with private clients.

Now I made a larger order and I am bringing them to my Flow Yoga Classes so you too can try them out (and buy them if you like to use them at home). You can also order them from the Yogandha website. If you add the code ‘yogaembodied’ to your online order you will receive a 10% discount.


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