Supporting + Resting the Wrists in Yoga Flow

When we start yoga, especially any flow yoga styles, we notice how much we potential we have for strength in our arms, shoulders and wrists.

In Flow Yoga we spend a lot of time in poses on our hands: Downward-Facing-Dog, Plank including Side Plank, Upward-Facing-Dog, Hands and Knees.

If we have sore wrists we need to take care. Yoga can certainly support in strengthening them. As well as opening the shoulders creating mobility that is often needed in wrist issues. But if we need more support and ease we need alternatives.

The video below is a flow for all of us – without pressure on our wrists. It offers alternatives we can use in a regular yoga class. Even if you do have wrist issues please do get on the mat and simply use these adjustments when you go to your normal classes.

Personally I had severe pain in my left wrist. So much that I had radiating pain all the way from wrist to shoulder. Even when simply lying in bed trying to sleep. This was a long time ago and I am convinced practising yoga and plenty of downward-facing-dogs helped me. I appreciate now that it was most likely tension in my shoulders that affected my wrist.

In this yoga session we will also engage our stronger bigger muscles to support the flow. Think of the strength in your thighs, buttocks, pelvic floor and core as you move.

Enjoy and let me know how you get on.


This is for the ladies – yogini post


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