Flower Power – The Essence of Plants

Flower Power

I have always been fascinated by plants and herbal remedies. Of the ways that we, human beings of the natural world, can be supported and potentially healed by the plants, flowers and herbs of nature.

From an early age I have been curious about how plants heal and how we live with the plant world. This interest took me through an apprenticeship in Matas (a Danish drugstore chain selling high cosmetic, skin care and health care such as herbal remedies, vitamins etc), working for a few health clinics, managing various Neal’s Yard Remedy branches (a British natural health and wellbeing company selling herbs, flower remedies, cosmetics and offering therapies), to studying yoga and completing my BSc and PGDip in Ayurveda.

Anyway, I am having a bit of a revival of my interest in flower essences.

It started after taking Alexis Smart’s My Personal Assistant in lieu of an actual personal assistant which I would have really appreciated at the time. It worked wonders. And I fell in love with the essences again.

What are Flower Remedies?

Flower remedies/essences/elixirs are the “essence” or energetic imprint of the flower or herb that is used. Often the flower is suspended in water wherein the energy is then stored. It may sound very hippy and flower power. And perhaps it is. But it works. In fact it was a British doctor who started making them. Dr. Bach found “that there were clear personality types that related to the various patterns of ill health, irrespective of the physical symptoms being presented by the patient”.

that there were clear personality types that related to the various patterns of ill health, irrespective of the physical symptoms being presented by the patient”.

He found the flowers, trees and plants that related to these personality types and our emotions.

Now you can purchase both individual essences as well as combinations.

I love Stefan Ball’s book Bloom. This is a brilliant book on a topic that could be dry, challenging and perhaps even a bit precious. He makes it easy to read and understand. A great book with lots of information. You will feel confident to try out some of the essences as you read it. Maybe even make up your own combinations. This book is highly recommended.

Self Discovery to Self Healing

The route of flower essences is a journey of self examination. You use the essences to understand your emotions. Both the negative and positive aspects. As you start using them you learn how to create balance. Through learning about our emotional state we also learn about the connection between our emotional, mental, spiritual and physical body.

  • How does your anger manifest in your physical body?

  • Where do you feel sadness?

  • What about jealously, resentment, shyness, overcompensating, confidence, lack of direction? Where do you feel these feelings? And if you do experience a physical discomfort or dis-ease what are your emotions associated with those sensations?

One of the reasons I love the essences is that they work with our emotions. In yogic anatomy we consider having 5 koshas or layers of our being. This includes the food/physical body, the Pranic body, mental body, the wisdom body and bliss body. Everything is connected so using the flower essences to create harmony in our Pranic, mental, emotional and wisdom body will also affect our physical being.

Another reason I love them is that flower remedies are subtle. I love herbs. And I take them as food supplement, in teas and in my cooking. But sometimes herbal remedies can be very strong. It may disagree with my digestive system or I feel it too overwhelming. If you take other medicines there may be drug interactions too. But flower remedies you can still take. Even if pregnant, as a child or offer it to your pet!

As an essence the plants are hugely effective – but I have yet to hear about adverse reactions.

More Plant Power

I love the power of plants is through their essential oils too. Often I combine the flower essences and the essential oils. Sometimes you can get the most perfect combinations already made up. In my yoga classes and at home I often create a unique blend of aromatherapy oils and sometimes add flower essences too. I also love Lotus Wei’s products. They have both pure flower elixirs as well as some essence + essential oil combinations. This includes my (and many of my students’) favourite Quiet Mind anointing oil.


I could talk hours about essential oils  (did I mention I used to be an aromatherapist?). But that will be for another post. For now, explore the flowers and plants close to where you live. Which ones are you attracted to? Do you feel the flowers/plants/trees also have personalities?

And maybe start exploring the remedies yourself.

Where to get them:

Please note: some of my favourite products are also affiliates. This means if you use my links (of those that are affiliate) I may be offered a small commission (thank you if you choose to use them). However I am only affiliated with companies I already love and use.


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