What’s Next? After Your Yoga Teacher Certification

You got your yoga teacher certification. 

Started teaching some classes. 

And loving it. 

Now, you are asking the question: What’s next? What other courses should I take?

We get so excited about our training and subsequently sharing it with our students that we want to add more. And there are so many courses and training programmes to choose from. Most professional organisations such as Yoga Alliance US and Yoga Alliance Professionals UK require their members to continue their education with Continuous Professional Development (CPD) or Continous Education (CE) workshops. This is so we stay inspired and updated.

A 200 hours certification is simply just the very beginning. Being a yoga teacher is a vocation and we continue to evolve, train and change in our own practise as well as in how we choose to teach.

After our 200 hours we may not even feel ready to start teaching. But this is how we learn – by teaching. Having a mentor or starting to teach whilst training (if part of the programme) is excellent as someone is there to support and encourage us. Otherwise, just do it!

Once you have been teaching for a while then start to observe:

– What do I love teaching? 

  • Is it the philosophy? Which one, what inspires me, or what do I want to learn more about?

  • Is it alignment?

  • Do you prefer teaching power flow, or maybe feel drawn towards a restorative yin practise?

  • Do you feel you need more inspiration for teaching pranayama/meditation/yoga nidra?

  • Maybe your yogini students become pregnant and you need to know how to share a safe practise with them or specialise in prenatal or postnatal yoga?

– What do I love practising?

  • Are you more inspired in your meditation practise?

  • Studying the scriptures? Which ones?

  • Chanting or devotional practise?

  • Are you always going to more restorative workshops but teach power yoga?

  • Do you read books on psychology/chakras/ayurveda?

  • What kind of classes and teachers do you love practising in/with?

Contemplate on both. What do you love teaching and what do you love practising? This will give you some insight in what you might want to further your training in.

Having said that, what you love studying for yourself might not be what you want to teach in your classes. But take a moment to consider it as it will inform you on your own journey.

Most of all just teach and teach some more. Go to classes, have private sessions, enrol in short workshops, read books, go on a retreat, enjoy your self practise. Then teach and teach some more. And then, once again, contemplate if the time is right for another training…

Me teaching on YogaLondon’s Pregnancy & Postnatal Teacher Training Course

Continuing your training is inspiring and empowering.

As new teachers because we gain confidence and more teaching skills. We meet other teachers and network. We are in a safe environment to practise our teaching, our instructions and voice.

When we have taught for longer, new trainings will keep our flame burning. It inspires us and get us out of a rut – if we are in one. If we are tired of hearing our own voice saying the same words. Or simply want to learn a new skill.

Once you have considered your passions look at the many offerings. If you are not feeling ready for specialised course in either pregnancy yoga, meditation, pranayama, restorative etc. consider a 300 hours training to add to your 200 hours. Here you will go deeper, learn more and most importantly stay disciplined in your own practise and study. Often a 300 hour course will offer various modules so you can still create the perfect package to suit your interest. Plus, perhaps explore something you would never have considered!

Enjoy the journey – it is never ending.

Join me here for CPD courses and let me know if you have any special request for courses…


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