The roots and core of our being.

Postnatal pelvic floors and recovery

After giving birth our very core has been completely transformed. The core of our being has been changed to be a Mother. Family dynamics are changing, relationship to partner, friends and how we see ourselves as a woman with a career and social life has changed and will continue doing so. The very roots and core of who we thought we were is now in constant change.

Physically we have shared our body with our growing baby or babies. Our body has accommodated for these changes and a woman’s body is uniquely shaped to give birth. Our core abdominal muscles have stretched enough to give your baby space to grow and the roots of our pelvic floor has been strong enough to hold our baby and stretchy enough for our baby to be birthed – even if those muscles might have torn or been cut in the process. Our bodies will now also have the capacity to heal and for us to get back to our roots and our core.

These practises are designed for new mothers who have been given the ‘ok’ to start very gentle yoga. You can do them as soon as you feel less bruised and just take it step by step. Listen to your body!

However getting back to our roots (feet and pelvic floor) and our core (abdominals) are not just for new mums. Most of us, men/women/with or without babies, need a little bit more connection here!

Connecting breath and body – it’s vinyasa!

The Roots and Reconnection

This video you can do as soon as your feel ready to practise. The main focus is pelvic floor. Everyone can benefit with connection to the pelvic floor: mula bandha, ashwini mudra and sahajoli mudra (the original Kegels!)


Post by Anja Yoga.

Root and Core

This video takes you further along the way to stay connected to your roots (pelvic floor) and goes deeper in connecting with your deep core abdominal muscles. This is recommended for everyone and especially for new mums.



Post by Anja Yoga.

Core Connection

Here we go into a deeper practise for the core with more movement. Wait until you get the ‘ok’ from your health practitioner before you start with more intense practise. But  you may enjoy this from 10 weeks and after you have practised and integrated the two sessions above.

You can have a look at this more dynamic practise here:


More Sacred Pelvis Awareness

I am delighted to have created a whole online immersion dedicated to the pelvic floor and pelvic bowl. You can learn more about it on this link. You see, not all methods or systems work for everyone. It’s about getting to know your own pelvis and your own pelvic floor. And this online course will teach you. Through education on physical and energetic anatomy. Videos and audios to bring pelvic and pelvic floor awareness, how to release tension and how to strengthen. Have a look on this page for all the details.

Disclaimer and responsibility:
Your body = your responsibility. Always check with your health practitioner before you start a new health or exercise regime. If you have any injuries, medical conditions or surgery speak to your health practitioner and a yoga instructor before you start. Same if you had a traumatic birth or c-section.

For more information and current timetable contact me Anja Brierley Lange on

facebook: /yogaembodied
twitter: @anjayogini
instagram @anja_yogini


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