Wheat Free Bread

“All sorrows are less with bread. ” 
― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

I am on a wheat free diet (which has now lapsed and I enjoy cakes and an occasional sandwich – but definitely limited!). Digestion (and skin) is feeling the benefits and on this journey I have discovered baking my own bread again. (Thank you dad for inspiration).

Still trying to locate a yeast free recipe so if you have one please share.


My bread:

10-15 g fresh yeast – but you can use dried yeast as fresh is difficult to get here in the UK

a pinch of salt

a little sugar (unless that had to be added to the yeast)

1/2 ltr of lukewarm water – adjust 

1 kg of your choice of flour. I generally use 1/2 of Buckwheat. I like rice flour. Soya and maize flour seem heavier. But try different variations including wheatfree mixed flour.

I also add sunflower seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds… (you can soak these before)

Play around with it and enjoy your creativity!

Mix yeast salt and sugar in the water. Add the rest of ingredients.

I make the dough very moist and sticky. Much more than usual bread dough.

Place a moist tea towel over the bowl and let it raise for 8-12 hours.

Use a bread form with a bit of margarine and “pour” the dough in.

Bake for around 40 minutes in 200 C.



The roots and core of our being.


The right to defend ourselves and claim back our power