Ayurvedic remedy to cool down and help digestion

This magic drink is not only super tasty. It helps you cool down but supports your digestion.

I love this for my very sensitive digestive system and especially during the summer.

If you have been to an Indian restaurant you have probably seen the drink Lassi on the menu. Many of us enjoy it as a sweet thick milky drink to balance the spices of our curry. My favourite for taste is mango…

But this drink is more than that. Original ayurvedic texts will expound the benefits of buttermilk (which is a much longer process to make):

“He who uses takra [butter milk] daily does not suffer from diseases, and diseases cured by takra do not recur; just as amrita (divine nector) is for the gods, takra is to humans.” Bhavaprakasha Chapter 6.7

It has been recommended for too much heat: rashes, inflammation but also to ignite a healthy agni, digestive fire, which in ayurvedic medicine is the foundation for all health.

But a good substitute is a salty Lassi which is quick and easy to prepare:

  • Organic Bio Yogurt 1/4 of a glass

  • Water 3/4 of a glass

(Use proportions that works for you. These quantities gives a thick milky lassi, add more yogurt and it becomes heavier and thicker, add more water and it becomes more liquid. Find what works for your digestion and constitution).

  • Add a pinch of ground cumin to kindle the digestive fire gently

  • Add a small pinch of rock/Himalayan salt which also supports digestion.

  • Mix it well. I use my blender.

Although cold drinks are not advised in ayurveda I prefer my lassi cool.

Sip a little before and during your meal.


Yoga Class Observations.


3 Postnatal Yoga Sequences