Contemplation in the flow of life

The moon is waning, we are moving to our darkest/shortest day. A time for introspection, contemplation and digestion.

What are we letting go off from this year? What are we nurturing for growth for the next yearly cycle?

And I am trying to stay in this ebb of the flow of life.

But so many exciting new ideas and projects are being presented to me. Excitement with easy deep breaths. 

Steps to take it easy and not getting overwhelmed:

  • Breathe. STOP and BREATHE

  • Good place to be when “just breathing” is to lie down on the back with legs up the wall. One of my favourite calming, nurturing and restorative poses. Will make you breathe slow and easy in no time!

  • Get regular: regular routine, regular rituals, regular (warm nourishing) meals, regular sleep patterns, regular exercise (YOGA), regular digestion/bowel movement (yes really, it does help), regular massage (probably self massage but oil massage by yourself, a loved one or a professional does help to calm down).

  • Knowing that really NOTHING IS UNDER CONTROL anyway so we might as well relax and not get stressed about it.

  • Enjoy life including the quiet times or the times where nothing seems to happen as well as when there is so much on that we can be as social, “busy” and creative as we like. This is the practise of the flow of life: ebb and flow. Embrace both.

  • Enjoy life in the present. BE PRESENT.



My favourite breakfast – Chia Seeds


sweet dreams – soft feet