Ayurvedic Kitchari recipe for cleansing and detox

Kitchari is one of the most fundamental meals in Ayurveda. And it’s my favourite go to recipe. I use it for a simple quick dinner if I’m feeling bloated and have overindulged. If I feel a bit weak, recovering from illness and only have a little appetite.

It is what I recommend in my Healthy Weight and Digestion online course (aka Detox & Rejuvenate) for the mono-diet detox days. In Ayurveda, it is used during Panchakarma treatments. Very specifically in pregnancy and postnatal healing.

You can dress it up, keep it basic, adjust and enjoy.

Here is a very basic Kitchari recipe. Remember you can change it up for your taste, the seasons and your own constitution. You can change the proportions of mung and rice as well.

Kitcheri Recipe for simple digestion

If you use my measurements (in cups) you will make about two portions depending on appetite and what you may add to it!

This is what you need:

  • 1 part split mung dal (approx 1/3 cup)

  • 2 parts basmati rice (approx 2/3 cup)

  • 4-6 parts of water (add more or less water according to your preferences)

  • ghee or coconut oil (or sesame or whichever oil you prefer)

  • add the following spices: fresh ginger about 1/2 – 1 inch chopped finely (or grated) or use a teaspoon dry ginger, a teaspoon of cumin, coriander and turmeric. A pinch of salt and a bit of black pepper. This depends on your proportions and taste

Do this:

  • get all your ingredients ready

  • rinse your mung and rice in water

  • warm up your hob to medium heat (adjust as needed)

  • add ghee or oil to the pan

  • add dry spices and mix with the oil. If it gets too hot remove from the hob.

  • add fresh spices like ginger. You might also add fresh turmeric if you can find it.

  • add your rice and mung. Mix it.

  • add water.

  • simmer for about 40 minutes. Keep an eye on it as you may want to add more water. It can be as “dry” or soupy as you like.

Additionally, you can add freshly chopped seasonal vegetables, maybe some fresh herbs like coriander leaves or basil.

  • Add a teaspoon of ghee, clarified butter, (or good quality vegetable oil) at the end.

When ready serve and enjoy.


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