Feeling Dry? Let’s talk vaginal dryness

Such a common complaint – but rarely discussed

Let’s talk VAGINAL DRYNESS – no matter your age, if you are still on your cycle, perimenopausal, taking the pill or not.

Here is a brief intro to why this happens in Western medicine and in Ayurveda. And some of the things we may want to try to get juicy and moist again. Have a look at this vlog and read below for even more information:

Ayurvedic awareness

In Ayurveda Vata dosha increases with age. Vata is the wind, air and space elements. This too dries us up. Vata is dry, thinning, decreasing, cool, rough… We may get dry skin in general.

Vata is also increased due to lack of routine, erratic lifestyle, travelling, our general diet and lifestyle. Anxiety may also be due to Vata.

It’s not all Vata. Pitta, the fire element, can heat up, dehydrate and dry out our tissues too. Pitta is often associated with the Type A personality, stress and burn out – on the “shadow side”. We do need Pitta and heat too though…

How to get juicy again

Depending on what is going on in your individual case you may want to:

Start a Vata pacifying lifestyle and diet: warm, nourishing foods such as soups, casseroles, porridge… Use oil and ghee for your meals. Have a regular routine. Meditate and practise breathing techniques to stay balanced. Practise abhyanga – self massage with oil.

Practise a Pitta pacifying and heat reducing routine: reduce any hot spicy foods and spices, enjoy simple and blander foods. Calm and cool down by meditative practises such as mindfulness, hatha or yin yoga (rather than hot power yoga), enjoy the cooling nurturing rays of the moonlight. Coconut oil can be your best friend for self massage – anywhere.

Get moving to get the blood circulation going – this includes pelvic floor exercises. Try the yoni egg or Elvie app. Another thing is to actually get more in touch with your pelvic floor.

I teach an online course which is all about our Sacred Pelvis. You will exercise your pelvic floor muscles which helps tone and flexibility and very importantly increase blood circulation. This is extremely important for your vaginal health. In the course, you learn some practical anatomy. You get audio meditations and Kegel or pelvic floor exercises. And yoga videos to support your pelvic bowl. Have a look here to get all the info.

Herbs for vaginal dryness mentioned:

  • Shatavari

  • Aloe Vera Juice

  • Natural lubricants: Yes lubricant or try out Yes Vaginal Moisturising gel

  • Dried organic rose petals and saffron to use in tea, cooking or warm milk.

  • Additionally, use organic pads/tampons when menstruating such as TOTM.

  • The hormone oestrogen is one of the hormones responsible for the moisture of the vaginal lining. During menopause, this hormone decreases and can be a cause for vaginal and vulva dryness. Medication and hormonal changes or imbalances can also be a cause.

  • UPDATE: I highly recommend the “easy bidet” too. Toilet paper can also feel drying and irritating. I recently discovered this very simple spray bottle which you can use. It’s basically a “travel bidet”.

Always check with your healthcare practitioner. You can have a personalised consultation with me here. This article is not for diagnosis or prescription but purely educational.


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