Being a clear channel

I’ve been in a reflective mood. How am I working? Do I want to continue working as I do? Although I also have to somehow manifest an increased income? How can I do that? Is it all worth it?

I shared some of these thoughts in my last newsletter.

Make sure you receive yours here.

I have these thoughts ongoing… I think most of us do. Whether we are self-employed or employed. But certainly when you are a one-person business then it’s just you. No manager to encourage you. No staff to share feedback or for you to motivate. It’s just you. Yes, there are interactions. You may collaborate which is something I love. But it is still you. You also have to negotiate with studios or clinics but it is still you. There is no water-cooler or a quick tea break moments where you offload or have a chat. 

 I’ve been a self-employed yoga teacher for around 17 years. Teaching yoga, teacher trainings, offering Ayurvedic consultations, aromatherapy, massages etc. But most yoga in some expression. Classes in person, and now online. Pre-recording yoga and ayurveda online courses. And of course various workshops. As much as I love all of this it can be challenging to look at things from a new or different perspective. 

In that time the yoga world (along with the world in general) has changed - a lot. The pandemic for sure. But even before that. I was renting a space in a local capoeira school. Nothing fancy for sure but a good space. And then suddenly three dedicated yoga studios opened literally right on my doorstep. Although I have some very dedicated yoga students some found the offering at the studios more fitting for them. New people might seek out a studio with several class times and teachers more appealing than a local one-person teacher. These are things we can not control. Because change happens. And of course, I moved too. No longer a local to my local classes. And then the pandemic and the lockdowns!

The only constant is change, as the saying goes.

I know this sounds like a moan… and a few days ago it was. I was the “What I am going to do with my life??” question. But rather than a moan it is a reflection now. It’s the reality and of course, we can look at reality with very different lenses. Very different perspectives. Today I am much more positive than a week ago. Because our moods and feelings change. Or we can choose to change.

As all businesses, we need to evolve and change too. Which isn’t always easy. Especially when you have done something for a long time. And when it is part of you and your creative expression.

I love what I do. I can not imagine doing anything else. I can not imagine being employed again. Or working the 9-5. I am also more mature in my business, my experience and age. I don’t have the same energy or enthusiasm as I did 15 years ago. That sounds wrong. I still have energy and enthusiasm - it’s just different.

I wonder what your experiences are? As self-employed one-person business, how are you navigating and sustaining your love and passion which is your business and your dharma? How do you make it sustainable and keep it authentic?

Earlier this week I had a meeting with other local businesswomen. And I must apologise to them because I did moan a bit. And I wasn’t very enthusiastic about the support or ideas they offered. Because sometimes it’s all just a bit weary. I’ve been there and done that. 

But sharing helps. Getting the thoughts out of the head get them reflected back does help. It did make me notice what I don’t need to do. Because yes I have been there and done that. I also know what I feel is right for me and my energy. 

Later in the day I went to the beach (again) and had a swim - and that always helps. That moment is just being… 

Writing this and my emails actually helps too. For me, writing is another way to get the excess thoughts out of my head and body. It is clarifying. A couple of months ago I participated in Clear Channels with creative Sarah Faith Gottesdiener. It was refreshing to find inspiration to clear my channel. To be a channel with my offerings. One way is through my commitment to writing my newsletters and sharing them here on the blog.

If you want to join the September Clear Channels workshop use code: ANJACC23! $50 USD off full-cost enrollment until August 15th at 11:59 pm PT  The next one is in September and there are recordings. ”Clear Channels is about creating a container: a channel you own. For the sake of this class, we focus on newsletters, but also touch on podcasts, websites/blogs, and YouTube channels”.  But it’s about being, it’s not your average “how to get 6 figure business” course. It’s about you being a clear channel or clearing your channel of offerings. I highly recommend it. Especially if you are a Highly Sensitive Person or feel overwhelmed in your business or as a business.

I am still reflecting. But also give myself space as these thoughts often come up when there are big changes in the other parts of one’s life. Like we have to move in the next few weeks… So now I am enjoying the summer for reflection, to digest and to rest. Still offering what I do as a clear channel - in the flow. 


pitta dosha and the sun


I am not in a rush!